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Celebrating the opening of Scitex Australia

Pictured: Associate Director, Nick Body (Left), Managing Director, Gareth Robertson (Right)


To our valued community,

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the journey of Scitex. After 36 successful years of operation based in New Zealand, we are expanding our horizons and crossing the Tasman.

It is with immense pleasure that we unveil the opening of our inaugural office in Melbourne this week, marking our official entry into the Australian market, having serviced and supported Australian clients & candidates, from NZ, over the years. The Melbourne office will serve as a strategic hub for Scitex, enabling us to collaborate more closely with local clients and candidates, understand regional nuances, and tailor our services to meet the unique needs of the Australian market. We are confident that this expansion will facilitate deeper engagements, stronger partnerships, and enhanced outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

This expansion not only signifies our commitment to growth but also underscores our dedication to serving you better by broadening our reach and accessibility across two countries tied together by history, culture and migration. We believe this move will also have a positive impact on our NZ operation and partner base, enabling better connectivity to leading Australian based talent, data & trends; and the simplicity of one well connected recruitment and staffing partner for organisations who straddle both sides of the Tasman.

As such, we are pleased to announce the arrival to Scitex of a seasoned recruitment leader – Nick Body, Associate Director – who will lead our operation in Melbourne. Nick is well known to the Scitex team, with various relationships within our team approaching the decade mark. He has a rich history across our technical specialisations, and recruitment – having recruited in Australia, NZ and the US, in our fields. We are thrilled to have welcomed Nick into the team this week. Nick is available on nick@scitex.com.au

For any enquiries or to learn more about our services in Australia, feel free to reach out to our Melbourne team on +61 3 9116 7498 or hello@scitex.com.au

Please join us in celebrating this momentous occasion as we embark on this exciting venture into Australia. We look forward to continuing to engineer better Mondays with you.

Thank you for being part of the Scitex family. Here’s to a great 2024.


Warm regards, Gareth Robertson

Managing Director, Scitex Consulting Group




Welcome to Country:

As we gather on this vibrant land in the heart of Melbourne, let us pause to acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional custodians of this land, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

For countless generations, the Wurundjeri people have nurtured and cared for this land upon which we now stand. Their deep connection to country, culture, and community is a testament to their enduring legacy and wisdom.

We acknowledge the Wurundjeri elders, past, present, and emerging, and extend our gratitude for their stewardship of this land. We honour their rich cultural heritage, traditions, and stories that continue to enrich and inspire us.

As we embark on this new chapter in the heart of Melbourne, let us tread respectfully, guided by the spirit of reconciliation and partnership. May we walk together, hand in hand, with the Wurundjeri people and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, towards a future of unity, understanding, and shared prosperity.

In the spirit of reconciliation, let us embrace diversity, celebrate culture, and build bridges of understanding and respect.

Thank you, Wurundjeri elders and ancestors, for your enduring presence and teachings. We pledge to honour and uphold the values of this land as we move forward together.


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