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From the lab to recruitment – we welcome Emma Bultitude

We are excited to welcome Emma Bultitude to our family as a Talent Resourcer. Emma arrives with an outstanding track record across both Scientific academic success, a strong Laboratory foundation and experiences in retail and food. As Emma joined our team, we asked her a couple of questions to get to know her better:


 Why are you excited to join Scitex?

I am excited to jump outside the world of practical laboratory science into a role which allows me to help and work closely with a wide range of people. The specialist scientific and technological basis of Scitex excites me as it allows me to extend myself and my skills, but still with roots in the industry I dedicated my studies to.


 What do you like to do outside of work?

I enjoy all things sports and fitness based, so can often be found out around walking tracks or at the gym. I enjoy baking and cooking, particularly when I can use them to procrastinate chores. I have also always had a love for the ocean, so enjoy beach walks, swimming (after years in Dunedin, Auckland beaches feel tropical to me), and attempting to surf.


 What are some of your goals for this year?

Professionally, my goal is to develop my skills at Scitex so overtime, I can engage and work with top-level laboratories and universities. Also, I am quite a recent university graduate, so I would love to work closely with graduates and help place them in exciting jobs which can kick start their careers.

A more personal goal is to travel as much of the North Island as possible. Until now, I have always lived in the South Island, so I want to make the most out of living in this beautiful part of the country.


Given you recently moved to Auckland, what are most looking forward to doing here?

Most – I’m pretty excited about the good range of shopping! I also cannot wait to discover some of the great restaurants and cafes around, as well as the beaches within the region. As an added bonus, it will be nice to not have to defrost my car each morning in winter.

Least – the humidity keeps messing my hair around which is pretty remarkable given my hair is very controllable and unexciting!


 What is something about you that would surprise others?

Despite my background in science, I have a love for dream catchers (and a large collection of them too)!


We are excited to have Emma join our community. Feel free to connect with Emma today!     e: emma@scitex.co.nz

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