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FAQs: questions we get asked, often.

The nature of our work engages us with clients, candidates and other people in the workforce seeing advice. Below are some of the questions we get on a frequent basis:

Why use a recruitment agency?

  • As a new graduate without specific job related work experience, how do you promote yourself to a potential employer?
  • If you don’t see a newspaper or internet ad, how do you know whom to approach?
  • How do you get that first interview? How do you plan for it, dress for it, prepare for it, or get that inside information?

How Much Will Our Service Cost A Candidate?


We charge our client a placement fee, therefore our service to candidates is free of charge.

Applying For A Position With Us?

What do we expect from an application?

  • A cover letter stating which role(s) you are applying for and a brief summary of why you want to apply for the specific role
  • A concise CV giving us your employment and education history with dates, also including work related references
  • If you are wanting to apply for several positions at once, send one application listing the different positions, which goes to one central location and is available to all our consultants
  • On-line or e-mailed applications are preferred in Microsoft® Word format
  • All shortlisted candidates are contacted with the status of their application

What to expect at an interview?

  • If you are shortlisted for an interview, then one of our consultants will contact you with the details
  • Most interviews will take approximately 30-60 minutes
  • Generally our interview panel will consist of 1 or 2 people
  • Dress appropriately to the role you are applying for
  • For some roles we will carry out psychometric assessments. These assessments will look at your general abilities, motivation and may include a personality profile. We will let you know if these are going to be included as part of the process

How long is the process?

We assess each application individually and objectively. Because we can receive up to 100 applications for each job, it is impossible for us to contact every candidate. Through our own internal assessment processes, and continued discussion with our client during the recruitment project, we select and shortlist those candidates who best meet the required criteria for the position. Therefore, it may take as long as two weeks before you hear back from us again whether you have been shortlisted.

What next?

If you are invited in for an interview, your consultant will ask you a range of behavioural-based questions that have been tailored to the needs of the position. This is a good time to ask any questions you have about the role and the company. Based on this interview, your consultant will decide whether or not you will be put forward to meet the client. If you are not successful at this stage, your consultant will discuss why not, and perhaps suggest alternatives.

Meeting the client

If the client would like to meet with you, your consultant will let you know. Sometimes you may be required to go back for a second interview with the client before final selection is made. Before an offer, though, we always do verbal reference checking. Sometimes we may be asked to conduct a psychometric assessment as well. Only after all these integral steps have been completed, will your consultant facilitate the offer on behalf of the client.


You have been selected as the preferred candidate. We will send you a formal letter confirming the details of the position and the only thing to do then is resign your old position and get ready for your exciting new job!

What Do We Look For In A Candidate?

Application to an advert

Your application, resume and/or cover letter is your chance to make an awesome first impression. It is advisable to read through the advert carefully, paying attention to the experience level it is pitched at and the qualities and attributes required for the role. Highlight these skills, qualifications and attributes in your resume and cover letter to show the consultant or hiring manager that you have what they are looking for.

Keep the formatting simple, neat and clean, check for spelling errors and be sure to include all relevant information. Avoid using generic resumes and cover letters where possible in order to tailor your application for a specific role; it will show. If you are using a template, be sure the blank fields are filled out with the correct information, i.e. date, company name, address, consultant/hiring manager name, position applied for etc. This seems basic, however, it is a significant error and lack of attention to detail that does not go unnoticed.

Resume Tips
Please see our Useful resources page for links to resume tips.

It is advisable to arrive for any interview ahead of schedule, or on time and to be presented in a professional manner. Allocate extra time, in case the interview runs over the designated time slot or you get delayed or lost en route to the interview.

Be prepared by researching the company, the interview panel, the role and requirements. Feel free to ask your consultant or hiring manager what style of interview it will be, i.e. competency based, behavioural etc.

On arrival to your interview, relax and be yourself. You have succeeded in getting through a stringent screening process and you should tale confidence in this. Anticipate being asked questions about your previous relevant experiences; have some anecdotes/stories prepared that demonstrate your capabilities and suitability for the vacant role. An interview is not the time to be shy. Speak clearly and confidently and keep your answers to the point.

Most importantly, don’t forget to smile!

Need Help Preparing For An Interview?

We are keen to provide you with all the support you need to perform at your best during your upcoming interview with our client and have outlined below a number of tools and techniques that you may find useful. Remember that there are two key elements to successful interviewing – preparation and enthusiasm.

Before the Interview
Preparation is essential as it will help you to be more confident and create a better first impression.

Here are some tips on interview preparation:

  • Ensure your consultant has provided you with a detailed understanding of the position description, the team environment and the organization
  • Conduct additional research regarding the organization through reading annual reports and researching on the internet
  • Make sure you know exactly where you’re going, who you’re going to see -have the interviewer’s name, correct pronunciation and title
  • Dress conservatively and pay attention to your grooming
  • Spend time reviewing your resume/experience and its relevance to the position description. Identify the specific examples in your background that are directly relevant to the position description and demonstrate your ability to do the job – write these down to help you remember them
  • Refresh your memory regarding details of present and past employers and your work history in their companies – pay particular attention to how you will describe your most important achievements
  • Be prepared to convey to the interviewer why this role appeals to you, why they should consider you for this role and what makes you a bit different from other candidates
  • Prepare the questions YOU will ask during the interview. Remember that an interview is a two-way process. The employer will try to determine through questioning if you have the qualifications necessary to do the job. You must determine whether the company will give you the opportunity for the growth and development you seek and has the culture in which you will be comfortable working. Here are some examples of questions you might ask:
    • What would a normal day in this role look like?
    • Why is the position open?
    • How would you describe your organization’s culture?
    • What sort of people have done well in this team/organization?
    • What does the person in this job need to do to be considered successful?
    • How well do you think I match the requirements of the role?

Competency Based Interviews

Competency based interviews are the most prevalent style of interviewing. Also known as behavioural interviewing, this style requires you to draw on past experience and describe specific examples of incidents that demonstrate your competence in a particular area. Ask your consultant to explain this further and help you with some particular examples if you are unsure.

Remember that you are being interviewed because the interviewer wants to hire somebody – not because they want to trip you up or embarrass you. Through the interaction that takes place during the interview, they will be searching out your strong and weak points, evaluating you on your qualifications, skills and intellectual qualities and they will probably probe deeply to determine your attitudes, aptitudes, stability, motivation and maturity.

Your Style and Behaviour

During your interview, the employer will be evaluating your total performance, not just your answers. Listed below are some factors and mannerisms that will usually produce a positive reaction from a prospective employer.

  • Interested, balanced approach
  • Ability to express thoughts clearly
  • Career planning and objectives
  • Confidence
  • Informative replies
  • Tact, maturity, courtesy
  • Maintenance of eye contact
  • Firm handshake
  • Intelligent questions about the job
  • Preparation and knowledge of the company/industry
  • Enthusiasm for the role and the organization
  • Positive, ‘can-do’ attitude

General Tips


  • Plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early – late arrival for a job interview is never excusable
  • Do what you normally do to calm yourself – have a glass of water, go to the toilet, relax your breathing
  • Greet the interviewer by their name
  • Wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright in your chair, look alert and interested at all times. Smile!
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Be a good listener as well as a good talker
  • Be yourself and let your personality show while still maintaining professionalism
  • Follow the interviewer’s leads but try to get them to describe the position and the duties to you early in the interview so that you can relate your background and skills to the position
  • Make sure that your good points get across to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner. It is up to you to sell yourself to an interviewer and to make them realize the need for you in their organization
  • Always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. Never close the door on an opportunity. It is better to be in the position where you can choose from a number of jobs rather than only one


  • Answer questions with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Explain whenever possible. Tell those things about yourself which relate to the position
  • Lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and as much to the point as possible
  • Ever make derogatory remarks about your present or former employers or companies
  • Over-answer’ questions or talk too much – most answers during the interview should be about one-to-two minutes long
  • Use coarse or inappropriate language
  • Let your discouragement show. If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, don’t show discouragement or alarm. Occasionally an interviewer who is genuinely interested in your possibilities may seem to discourage you in order to test your reaction
  • Enquire about salary, bonuses, or holidays at the first interview unless you are positive the employer is interested in hiring you and raises the issue first. However, you should know your market value and be prepared to specify your required salary or range

Closing the Interview

  • If you are interested in the position, make sure you tell the interviewer that and ask what the next steps in the process will be
  • Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration of you.

You have done all you can if you have answered the two questions uppermost in their mind:

  • Why are you interested in the job and the company?
  • What can you offer and can you do the job?

After the Interview

Immediately after the interview, call the consultant who referred you to the position and describe how the meeting went. They will want to talk with you before the interviewer calls and will appreciate the courtesy of your feedback. If you are interested in progressing further it will assist if your feelings towards the position are known, together with your perception of what the client’s reaction is likely to be.

Don’t forget to let your consultant know if you later change your mind about this opportunity or decide to accept a position with another company.

How Do I Get My Qualification Recognised In New Zealand?

Please have a look at NZQA info

What Is An IRD Number?

Please see IRD number info

How Do I Know What Tax Code To Use?

Please see IRD tax code information 


Still, have unanswered questions? Reach out to us on 09 525 5520 or contact one of our team members.



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