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Viv Philipsen

Consultant – Temporary

Viv drives the heart of Scitex’s Temping division, having been with the business since 2012. Prior to Scitex, Viv had extensive experience in advertising, key account management and administration.

Viv has a strong band of followers in the Temp talent community; she is well known for taking special care of the people she works with and enjoys supporting their careers while finding effective solutions for her clients – fast.

She is determined to do the right thing for all parties involved while providing a thorough, robust, highly professional service.

Viv is an unbelievable baker and we assume makes our office neighbours envious on a constant basis with the treats she brings in for the team and our partners coming into the office. After work, you may find Viv out on the Tennis court or in her garden.


e: viv@scitex.co.nz     p: 09 525 5520

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