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Sarah Coad

Senior Consultant – Engineering & Industrial

For Sarah, recruitment is a lifetime career. Starting her first professional recruitment role over a decade ago, she has since worked for both a small boutique agency and a large global organisation in a variety of positions. Throughout her career she has been exposed to variety of different industry specialisations such as supply chain, civil and construction, before finally realising her passion for ‘Engineering and Industrial trades’ in her previous role as a Branch Manager.

She has a passion for understanding what makes people ‘tick’ and loves fostering these relationships to find the ‘perfect fit’ that can transform the future of both the business and candidate. Sarah believes that nurturing and investing in people is the key to providing clients with a workforce that is both loyal and skilled and is grateful to be able to grow her career with a company who’s genuine “people first” ethic, aligns so closely with her own values.

Outside of work, Sarah loves to try her hand at something new – whether it be driving a digger, building a cabin or learning to sew; her current goal being to learn how to weld! Having joined the team early this year, she is looking forward to working with the Scitex community.


e: sarah@scitex.co.nz     p: 09 525 5520

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